School Management Software: Because Education without Empathy for Environment is Ineffectual!

“We only have one earth.”, they say and this one small sentence pretty well explains the seriousness of the entire situation. And no matter how much distant as an issue you may think of it, it has a direct and proportional effect on our lives. An effect, which is destructive and needs to be addressed immediately. Plus, efforts made today alone is not going to help. One needs to pass on the habit of conserving nature and the path of sustainable development to the future generation. And what better place to inculcate these ideas and habit into the lives of the future generation than a school - their second home!
AddWeb has always thrived upon such sociological and ecological values. As an IT industry, we were striving to contribute towards saving the environment with our share of skill and consciousness. And that’s where the seed of AEDU - AddWeb Education Management System has sown. It’s the paperless path for productively managing all the school-related functions, across all departments.
AEDU - The Paperless Path for Productively Managing School!
We aren’t saying that the ‘paperless’ aspect of AEDU was the only reason for creating it. But there’s surely nothing boastful about it if we say that it was amongst the preliminary deciding factors for creating AEDU, along with saving of time, increase in overall productivity and enhanced quality of education.
A Dream Project - A Green Project!

Seldom does it happen that your skill combines with what you’re sensitive about and brings out a solution for the same! AEDU was surely one such project for AddWeb, which aims at increasing the productivity and bettering the quality of the school by practically eliminating the use of paper as much as possible. Though this ecological benefit of AEDU looks a distant and far-fetched one, it definitely is effective in the long run. Because -
- Students will learn to replace all kind of paper-usage from their growing year, which will lead to becoming their natural way of working as grown-ups.
- All the administrative piles of paper can now be stored online and hence, a huge amount of paper can be saved here and that too without any limitation of time-period.
Hence, AEDU does both - decreasing the usage of paper today along with inculcating the paperless path as the rightful and regular way of managing everything that’s surrounded by documentation.
AEDU Features and Their Ecological Benefits!
Can you imagine, from how many places can you cut-off the use of the paper by switching to a software management system? Well, what may seem to be a tiny benefit is quite expansive in real. Let us share segregated feature-wise ecological benefits of AEDU with you.
- Admin Panel
Admission-related documents, maintenance of fees, income and expenditure sheets, manually prepared class schedules, student-specific files, inventory management, student and teacher’s reports, et al are the important documents that piled-up in an entire room of a school’s Admin Department. Imagine the amount of paper that can be saved by each school, during every batch, by adopting the AEDU - The AddWeb Education Management System.
- Parent App
Notification for upcoming fees payment, an online receipt for fees paid, circulars for upcoming events and activities, communication with the teachers, transportation tracking and details, kids’ progress report with a comparison chart, et al are the places where the usage of paper can be eliminated by going tech-friendly with AEDU.
- Teacher Web Panel & Mobile App
Individual student management, communicating with their parents, documenting student’s attendance and results, updating the timetable, sharing homework, assignments, etc can now all be done with the use of either the teacher’s web panel or the mobile application by AEDU. And hence, reducing the use of paper across all the above-mentioned activities!
- Librarian Web Panel
We acknowledge the fact that some things are better left as they are and the books in the libraries are surely one of them. So by leaving that portion untouched by technology, AEDU chose to digitize the management part of the same. Every documentation under library management like adding books, documenting their issue and return under individual students’ and teachers’ account, etc can now be done on the Librarian Web Panel of AEDU and hence save the bundles of paper-based registers used every year.
- Accountant Web Panel
Accounts Department is the place, which demands the maximum usage of paper. In fact, it can not function in the absence of paper. But AEDU has made it possible with an individual Accountant Web Panel which has digitized all their activities viz. collection of fees, maintaining the fees master, monitor the expenses done and profits made, analysing the balance fees report, et al. This undoubtedly decreases a huge amount of paper usage and helps in being more and more eco-friendly.
Concluding Words!
Having reached 300+ schools and more than 1 lac students, nationwide, AEDU has constantly strived to push the schools and their management to also promote the eco-friendly aspect of the software. We never miss asking them to carry forward this effort of ours in both a direct and an indirect manner. So that the staff, kids and their parents learn the significance of being eco-friendly by going paperless, while actually using the software instead of just theoretically preaching it. Now, that is how education should be - empathetic towards environment!
Source: AEDU
Source: AEDU
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