
Showing posts from 2019

AEDU - Your Next Digitally-Equipped, Education Management Platform

Giving hype to the phrase which says,”It is easier to land a man on the moon than to change the school system.” we, the family of ‘AddWeb Solution’ is here, giving our bit for your better tomorrow i.e., the most feasible & the most reliable School Management System - AEDU, a one-stop solution for all your managerial needs. It is true to say that “The Internet has always been, & will always be, a MAGIC-BOX.” Keeping in mind the stated quote and increasing need of the Internet in today’s ever-changing & never-ending tech-world, AEDU stands as a software which is tailored precisely for digitizing the entire management system of an educational institute. The platform is way simpler(user-friendly) & easier to be used than you think it is. Education stands as a large part, contributing to our economy. It has a huge impact on various aspects of the Nation. Digitizing the education sector will be beneficial on many levels. It will not only make the management eff...

Making Education All-Inclusive with a Free School Management System!

Indian Education - An education system, which once remained unrivalled, has today reached to the unfateful & deteriorating condition when it comes to the quality of it. Excluding a handful of modern & highly-expensive schools, a large portion of the Indian education industry suffers from a rotten administrative disposition and lack of conscientious modernisation. And address this very problem, AddWeb comes with its very own School Management System - AEDU! What do current Indian Schools lack? Schools are the places, where the future generation is nurtured. And hence, that’s where the future of the nation is dependent the most upon. So, it becomes vital for schools to be progressive in every possible manner. But unfortunately, that’s the only place which lacks progressiveness the most. A life that is otherwise highly surrounded by technology and varied gadgets, the majority of schools still doesn’t have the most basic access to gadgets like computers. It is impera...

School Management Software: Because Education without Empathy for Environment is Ineffectual!

“We only have one earth.”, they say and this one small sentence pretty well explains the seriousness of the entire situation. And no matter how much distant as an issue you may think of it, it has a direct and proportional effect on our lives. An effect, which is destructive and needs to be addressed immediately. Plus, efforts made today alone is not going to help. One needs to pass on the habit of conserving nature and the path of sustainable development to the future generation. And what better place to inculcate these ideas and habit into the lives of the future generation than a school - their second home! AddWeb has always thrived upon such sociological and ecological values. As an IT industry, we were striving to contribute towards saving the environment with our share of skill and consciousness. And that’s where the seed of AEDU - AddWeb Education Management System has sown. It’s the paperless path for productively managing all the school-related functions, across all depart...

Library Management Software: Read Offline, Issue a Book Online!

There’s always been a constant tug-off war between the virtual and real world. One can never decide upon one of them as an ideal way of leading life. All that we can do is find a fine share of balance between the two by picking up the bests of both. Retaining physical-printed books is one such significant thing from the offline world that we need to retain. Especially, at the educational level. Because, in today’s time, it’s imperative to implant the value and worth of physical book-reading right from the roots. On the same time, one can always remain open to embracing the modern-day changes to improve the quality of the lifestyle. The virtual world, on one hand, improves the quality of the lifestyle while the offline world improves the quality of life. And hence, AddWeb has created the AddWeb Education Management System(AEDU) - a software management system for schools to be able to adopt an affordable system that accelerates their working process. But at the same time, we have a...

Tug-Off War Between the Traditional & Digital School Management System

“Old is Gold.” but not all that glitters is gold. And the traditional school management system is certainly one of them. Because it may glitter with the tags like ‘old’ and ‘traditional’ but it is not at all glittery enough to make the new-age gems shine out loud! No, we aren’t being selfishly pessimistic towards the traditional way of schools being operated, but we genuinely believe so. In fact, that is the fundamental reason why we came up with AEDU. We genuinely felt that along with the educational structure and curriculum that needs to be updated, the very system of the schools being operated also needs to be modernised to bring it in alignment with today’s digitally advanced era. We came across with a list of reasons why the school management system needs to be digitized and how it’s competent enough to better the quality of education as compared to the traditional school management system. The functioning of a school management system mainly revolves 3 prime aspects - Infra...

School Management Software Raises Both, the Standard of Education & ROI!

“Everything is connected”, they say and it stands true even when the Return on Investment(ROI) & School Management Software is concerned. Both of these share a deep-rooted interconnection between each other.  Well, it might sound philosophical at first stance, but in reality, it’s rational and more than that - financial, too! AEDU can say it for the fact after being adopted by 300+ schools nation-wide, in just a few months from its launch. Let us share the prime factors of a School Management Software that can help in raising the ROI. Something that derives from our very own experience and interactions with the 300+ schools that we are associated with, today! A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned! Each one of us searches out for cheaper and better options to get the work done. Cost-effectiveness is the smart way of increasing the bank balance, apart from the obvious sources of earning. School management software is a tool that helps one in having a wealthier return on inve...