Making Education All-Inclusive with a Free School Management System!
Indian Education - An education system, which once remained unrivalled, has today reached to the unfateful & deteriorating condition when it comes to the quality of it. Excluding a handful of modern & highly-expensive schools, a large portion of the Indian education industry suffers from a rotten administrative disposition and lack of conscientious modernisation. And address this very problem, AddWeb comes with its very own School Management System - AEDU! What do current Indian Schools lack? Schools are the places, where the future generation is nurtured. And hence, that’s where the future of the nation is dependent the most upon. So, it becomes vital for schools to be progressive in every possible manner. But unfortunately, that’s the only place which lacks progressiveness the most. A life that is otherwise highly surrounded by technology and varied gadgets, the majority of schools still doesn’t have the most basic access to gadgets like computers. It is impera...